About this Blog
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Getting back in the swing of things
It’s been a while since I’ve posted. I haven’t been on a tropical island or on an adventurous safari. Everything around here has been just about normal. That is as normal as life can be with a growing family, school, after-school activities, weekend events, birthdays, work…etc…
I’ve been reading my favorite blogs and checking out inspiring things on Pintrest. Finally I got on Pintrest. Am I the last one on the planet? I will get a button up soon if you want to follow me there. I’ve also been doing a lot changes here in my home. Changes that I am eager to share with you in the coming weeks as things FINALLY get finished and I can upload all my pictures and share.
I’ve even done a few things that I have NEVER done before. I have a confession to make. I’ve never painted a room all by myself. I painted stripes in my bathroom in this post. That I’ve done. However, I have never painted walls and trim. Here comes another confession. My dad has owned a painting business for the past 40 years. He is semi-retired now. My younger brother has taken on the business. So yes, I have been very spoiled. Anytime I’ve wanted a room painted all I’ve had to do was call my little brother or my dad and they would come to my rescue. Well, I’ve wanted him to come and do some painting since we’ve had lots of changes going on around here this winter. Well, he’s been busy and has been putting me on the back burner unfortunately, which is fine. I understand that he needs to tend to his clients before his sister. I get it. So I waited and waited and waited. Then I got sick of waiting and grabbed a paint brush and roller.
I was a little intimidated at first. I was worried about the cutting around the windows and doors and moldings…but I was pleasantly surprised when it all came together very nicely. I was better at it than I thought I would be. So, my adventures continued from the guest room to the basement. We refinished our basement years ago and had a berber carpet installed. Well, to say the least…my kids destroyed it beyond saving so it was time for it to go. It was never what I really wanted down there anyway. I always pictured a warm looking wood floor, and that’s what we installed. The carpet came up and a beautiful Pergo floor went in! I’m in heaven now! The room is no where near being finished, but I will share soon I promise!
So, that’s where I am at now. I really want to be posting more and grow this small blog a little bit. Changes happen slowly sometimes and that’s ok. It’s better to take baby steps, than none at all right?
Oh I almost forgot. I only mentioned the painting, but there is something else that I have tried recently that I’ve never done before. It’s called Bikram Yoga. Anyone else familiar with it? It was intense and challenging, but it felt great after. Ever since I became a mom, my life has been dedicated to my family. Like all moms, our needs get taken care of last. I know that it’s needed, but I often feel guilty taking time for myself. This was my chance though. A friend of mine goes regularly and suggested I go with her. The yoga room is 105 degrees! Yikes right??? I know, intense. Oh and did I mention, the class is 90 minutes!!! I know, crazy right? Well, this crazy girl did it and is going to do it again. I felt relaxed and refreshed, yes a bit dizzy from the heat I must admit, but I know that after a few more classes I will be used to the heat.
So, I hope to share some more posts in the coming weeks of some completed spaces around here. My goal is to have a complete home tour up…that’s what I’m aiming for. Slowly but surely I’ll get there. So, until next time!
Have a great day!!!!