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This blog is about all things that happen in my New England home and garden....if you are interested in decorating, gardening, cooking and entertaining...then follow me here to get inspired and get creative.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Decorative Wall Boards

Hi All,
I wanted to share something that I recently created. I had three canvas that I purchased at the craft store.

My original idea was to create a wall of homemade art with leftover wall paints, but it didn't exactly come out the way I wanted. So I was racking my brain to figure out what to do with the canvases and I came up with an idea to use them as message boards to place above my craft table/desk. I liked the idea that I had three because I could use each one for a different purpose or category...this type of OCD keeps my life in order. So, I plan on using one for project inspirations, one for reminders, and one to keep my kid's school notices on. So this is what I did. I had a package of cork squares that I bought at the office supply store. I wanted to use the cork because I wanted what I was pinning to adhere to something more substantial than the canvas itself. The square corks actually fit perfectly within  the wooden frame of the canvass as you see below. I just hot glued the cork down so that it wouldn't move around.

 After that was done, I needed to cover the canvasses with something. I was going to take a ride to the fabric store but then I remembered that I had an ivory tablecloth that I could no longer use for my kitchen table because it had a stain on one side of it. Perfect! I didn't have to go the fabric store and I was actually going to get away with basically making my boards ABSOLUTELY FREE!!! I was excited. The next step was to cut the fabric pieces and then wrap them around the canvasses and staple gun the ends to wooden frame.
 With this done, I was almost finished. I wanted to add a little something extra that would make my boards pop against my gray walls. I already have all black accents around my craft table so, I merely added a nice black ribbon to the top of each board. I used my staple gun once again to secure the ends to the back of the board, and hot glued it in three stops across the top underneath the ribbon. But it still needed something. With that thought I looked through my craft box and found some crystals that I had left over from another project. These are crystals that are flat on one side, almost like a button. I had only 5 and I had three boards...so I ended up putting one on each end on two of them, and one in the middle on the third one. I secured them with hot glue and the boards were ready to be hung!!! I am really pleased with how they came out. It took very little time to do and I was so happy to actually put those canvasses to some good use instead of laying on the shelf in my storage room.

Do you have an item that you've repurposed in some other way? 
I'd love to hear about it!!


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