About this Blog

This blog is about all things that happen in my New England home and garden....if you are interested in decorating, gardening, cooking and entertaining...then follow me here to get inspired and get creative.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

I was really excited to have been recognized by CNM over at Lessons of a Newlywed. She passed on the Stylish Blogger Award to me which I thought was really sweet! What a pleasant surprise. So the rules are as follows:

1. Link back to the person who passed on the award and accept.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Pass the award on to 15 recently discovered bloggers and let them know about the award.

So here goes...

1. I am crazy about peanut butter and chocolate.

2. I love to dance.

3. I really really love coffee. 

4. I like to do the variety puzzles magazine at night before going to bed. 

 5. I don't like to sunbathe. When I'm on the beach, I'm either in the water or under an umbrella.

6. I'm a procrastinator, but I work best under pressure. 

7. I am the oldest of five siblings.

And finally, I am going to share some of the recent blogs that I've discovered and are passing the award to:

Have a great week all!



  1. Hi Gina - Congrats on your award and thanks for passing it on to me! I completely agree with you on #1 & #3, and probably #6 too, although I wish that wasn't true! Hope you have a great week!


  2. Thank you so very much for the award!

  3. Hi! I'm your newest follower and I came by way of Lessons of a Newlywed. Congrat's on your award and have a great night!
